PTA General Meeting
Next meeting: Wednesday, 2/19 at 6:30 in the Pioneer Library AGENDA
Zoom Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5582538127?pwd=RWw4MjhUWGFWekxsL1NFYWNyakxXUT09
Climate Committee Meeting
Next meeting: TBA
Zoom Link: https://djusd-net.zoom.us/j/3752249448?pwd=NHVPU29YNHZTTWJmMTc2M3lYdTNvdz09

Free Money for Pioneer!
While you shop, earn free money for Pioneer!
At no extra cost to you when you shop at these places, Pioneer will receive a percentage of all purchases. Friends and family can participate too so spread the word!
Scholastic Store Online
Every book purchased gives back 2% to Pioneer!
Nugget Scrip
Show your Scrip card when you shop at Nugget and they will donate .4% of your purchases to Pioneer. To request a card, email pioneerelementarypta@gmail.com then link it to our school.
Pioneer Elementary Parking Reminders